Tagged "gtd"

Orgflow: System and Tools

There are several cornerstones of this system. These include: Separate, dedicated locations for each area of responsibility; Separate process for collecting what you have to do, to deciding what this stuff means, to actually doing it; Actionable items that have been indexed by priority, location, urgency; Regular-ish planning of your life at many scales; A disgustingly large reference system for junk.

Orgflow: Theory

Many people’s interest in organizational systems is directly proportional to how over-committed they are in the moment.

Orgflow 6: Notes on Minutes and Communications

Being good at organization is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing as it allows you to feel more in control of what is coming on the horizon.

Orgflow: 0. Saying No

As foreshadowed in the introductory post in this series, the orgflow system is not meant to make you more productive.

Orgflow: How I Work

We have introduced a new monthly standing meeting at the Music Cognition Group where the focus is meant to be on how to work.

Personal GTD Categories for Navigating the Day to Day

After asking Twitter which categories they used to basically “group” together the many “things” in which they have to do, I was mostly met with people (in private) being like “I have no idea even what you are asking”.