Tagged "emacs"

Orgflow: System and Tools

There are several cornerstones of this system. These include: Separate, dedicated locations for each area of responsibility; Separate process for collecting what you have to do, to deciding what this stuff means, to actually doing it; Actionable items that have been indexed by priority, location, urgency; Regular-ish planning of your life at many scales; A disgustingly large reference system for junk.

Orgflow: Theory

Many people’s interest in organizational systems is directly proportional to how over-committed they are in the moment.

Orgflow: 0. Saying No

As foreshadowed in the introductory post in this series, the orgflow system is not meant to make you more productive.

Orgflow: How I Work

We have introduced a new monthly standing meeting at the Music Cognition Group where the focus is meant to be on how to work.