MCG Reading: McPherson & McDermott 2023
This week for the Music Cognition Reading Group we read Relative pitch representations and invariance to timbre by Malinda McPherson and Josh McDermott.
Malinda has a great thread summarizing the paper here.
I personally really enjoyed reading in this literature recently for two reasons that come to mind right away.
- This connects to some of the work we are interested in concerning mental representations of music at the music cognition group (see Research tab).
- This type of empirical work feels very relevant to a lot of the music theory and aural skills literature concerning what it is humans are actually using to represent pitch.
If you want to see what I mean, check out the the sound examples from their paper that Malinda shared after reading the paper or her thread and play the examples where the second note is always 1 semitone higher than the first. You’ll hear, especially with the Incongruent/Inharmonic condition, a very cool sound that we felt exemplifies this perceptual spectral/pitch divorce.
The below is a screen shot of the link above, just to help direct you to what I am talking about.